

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation WhySo interior design
Designer Cheng Chin Yao, Heng yi Lin, Chen Hao
Description(English) The business owner’s main request for design is that “all other colors are redundant rather than flowers’ brilliance.” Vibrant and splendid floral colors are the focal view set off by the dark, dominant color palette throughout the project. Then, the illuminated stretch ceiling complements harmonious lighting, emitting to all flowers, high or low. Besides, LED light guide plate shelving with glare-free tech manifests exquisite textures of each artistic container. Linear ceiling lighting with geometric trims presents the traffic flows, and the façade design shapes a nifty image of bouquet wrap.
Description(Native) 此案藉由藝術塗料、木作肌理的豐富層次,搭配入口處和花藝教室間保留的原始磚牆,圍塑手工的質樸感,且與造景玻璃櫃內的木石造景、牆面擺置的娟麗鮮花相得益彰,共創自然和諧氛圍,而由淺灰至深黑的地坪、壁面及櫃體,不僅為此處匯入現代氣息,其間以多邊切線修飾各處轉角,打破常規花店的圓柔印象,令品牌於同性質店家中脫穎而出。本案為業者首間分店,設計師改良本店的花牆設計,依照各層花種調整立面高度,遮擋莖葉利於顧客著重花卉光采,並將注水口和排水區開關統一劃於右側斜面門片內,方便員工操作之餘構築整齊觀感;前台拆分為銜接花牆的包花區以及鄰近廊道的櫃台,使來客挑選花束後可立即交予店員處理,更規避過往人流眾多時包裝、結帳匯聚一處的擁擠場面,打造流暢便捷的動線。考量商家兼有花藝教學的服務,教室內軟件選配訂製長桌、櫃體,講桌中央嵌有可擺放垃圾筒的孔洞,便於師生丟棄剪枝後產生的花莖,下方桌腳的層板、一旁自由拖拉的花櫃則用以擺置學生隨身物品和課程素材,造就便利整潔的上課環境;此外,全案運用低甲醛材料構成,並減少多餘裝潢降低耗材,搭配環保的特殊塗料,呼應商家減塑理念同時賦予人們健康的無毒空間。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The design highlights vibrant floral colors against a dark palette, enhanced by illuminated ceilings and glare-free LED shelving. Geometric trims and bouquet wrap-inspired façade guide traffic flow beautifully.
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