

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation Nano Lucky Interior Design Ltd.
Designer SUN WEI TSE
Description(English) The space maximally echoes the title - Past, Present and Future. Both materials and furniture meticulous restored, like rare serpentine tiles and timber furniture, honor the past. In addition, along the ceiling where it meets the skylight, the old tracks remain, now restored within the fresh interior design. The kitchen is centrally repositioned, with natural light introduction, resembling a spotlight for family gathering. While linear lights illuminate each space for personal activities as maintaining a sense of unity. This renovation seamlessly blends new and old elements, preserving the building's character and adding new significance.
Description(Native) 「在保留及延續的基礎上進行改良設計」,這是我們在兩層樓的老屋改建案中能看到的精神。在走進建築物前,大門的外觀就顯示出它的特別之處。從視覺上看,門是看起來像是內縮成斜的,但其實是建築物本身的斜面構造而造就的錯覺。門口這種視覺落差的對比給人一種獨特的步入體驗,也象徵著傳統格局與當代設計的融合。進到建築後,有一種深臨時區的感覺,這個時區代表著不同時代的縮影。入口處旁的休憩區是因為建築的斜面構造而形成的一處空間。它為返家的人提供了一個舒適的休息空間,搭配昭和時期留下的燈具,喚起一種寧靜且懷舊的感覺。在修復方面,不管是建材還是家具都進行了細緻的修復工作。例如,一樓地板使用的蛇紋石地磚是臺灣本島稀有的資源,因此在沿用及修復的工法上更加小心謹慎。除此之外,修復及保留也同樣應用在浴室的牆壁磁磚及家具。為應應業主對日式建築風格的喜愛以及考量整體空間的一致性,此空間的色調主要是以家具的木質調及建材的綠色構成的大地色,營造出一種寧靜的氛圍。因此牆體的水泥漆選用米白色,並搭配多種推疊方式以在咖啡色及綠色裝潢中突出視覺效果。天井的位置恰巧在房屋的中段,引進的大量自然光就像是聚光燈,引領每位家庭成員向此地靠攏。當夜幕降臨時,線性燈的配置照亮家中的每個角落,讓家庭成員可以在不同的地方進行各自的活動。這棟住宅最大限度地呼應標題所說的過去、現在及未來。在這次的老屋改建中有了新、舊元素的碰撞,不僅延續了房屋的特點,同時也賦予了這棟建築新的意義。
Website www.facebook.com/nanolucky2015
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The K-Design Award 2024 winning project received high marks for its seamless blend of past, present, and future elements. Meticulous restoration of materials like rare serpentine tiles and timber furniture honors the past, while modern design introduces natural light and linear lighting to unify personal spaces. This renovation preserves the building's character and adds new significance.
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