

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Client Izakaya 9am 5pm
Affiliation squaremeter Design Studio Ltd.
Designer Min Chen, Tim Jen
Description(English) This project is located in Tainan, revered as the most historically significant city in Taiwan. It features a diverse array of materials presented in their primitive forms, symbolizing the richness and historical heritage of Tainan. As customers step into the space, their attention is immediately drawn to the handmade concrete bar counter. Serving as the focal point of the area, it is surrounded by copper and walnut veneer. These materials will develop distinct appearances over time, reflecting the unique cultural evolution of Tainan through its historical changes.
Description(Native) 此案是一間位於台灣台南古樸巷弄中的居酒屋餐廳。台南是一個充滿古老韻味的美麗古城,如何將餐廳本身與台南的歷史做連結成為了我們設計上首要考量的因素。因此,在設計上我們將多樣的材質以最原始的樣貌呈現在這個案場中,打造出空間層次感的同時展現出台南純樸的韻味。將台南古都的在地文化融入其中,打造出一個既樸實又充滿繁華氛圍的場域。在不破壞建築古樸韻味的同時也賦予其新的生命力。 當走入這個空間,首先映入眼簾的是一座混凝土吧檯,它是整個場域的核心所在。在吧檯灌漿後我們邀請業主參與打鑿施作,加深了業主與空間的連結性。並在其四周搭配未處理的生銅板與生胡桃木皮,這些材質皆會隨著時間推移而產生不同的樣貌,也以此象徵著歷經歷史的變遷和演進而發展出來獨特的台南文化。 在建築體上,我們保留了原本建築外觀的磁磚以及室內的磨石子地坪和原始的樓梯形態,在歷史痕跡及新建材上取得平衡,讓整體建築在台南巷弄中顯得出眾卻不會突兀,並讓客人在用餐之餘也能夠沉浸在台南古都的歷史情懷中。
Website www.instagram.com/squaremeter_designstudio
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The K-Design Award 2024 winning project received high praise for its use of diverse, primitive materials to symbolize the rich historical heritage of Tainan. The handmade concrete bar counter, surrounded by copper and walnut veneer, reflects Tainan's unique cultural evolution through historical changes. This design excellently captures the essence of Tainan's historical transformation.
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