Country | Taiwan |
Year | 2017 |
Award | WINNER |
Affiliation | Chain10 Architecture & Interior Design Institute |
Designer | KENG-FU LO |
Description(English) | The building is located in Taiwan, it is a shared space for the residents of the community. It provides spaces for dining, reading, exercising, learning, sharing and communication. The design is based on natural patterns and includes a reflecting pond, outdoor plaza and unobstructed views of the nearby hills. Varied surfaces with differing heights encourage people to walk in and explore the interior. Natural elements are brought into the building not only through its décor, but with a wall formed of tall trees. The result is a harmonious environment where human life maintains contact with nature. |
Description(Native) | 這個建築坐落在台灣,是一個獨立社區住民所共同擁有的生活空間,提供社區餐飲、閱讀、健身、學習、分享與交流等需求。建築樓層以自由的曲線垂直堆疊,是以大自然的型態做為發展設計的想法,景觀水池、戶外廣場與建築物也形成像丘陵地般的自然風貌;多種高度的平面,高低錯落,且相互對應,提供人與人之間更多的互動與趣味性。將大自然的元素帶入建築與室內空間,森林聳立的枝幹成為建築的外牆與裝修意象,打造生活與自然共存的居住環境。 |
Antifungal Quick Cleaning Electric Rice Cooker
Filterless Air Purifier
Designed by / sketchbook5 board skin