Country | Taiwan |
Year | 2017 |
Award | WINNER |
Affiliation | 9.oak Design |
Designer | Po-Cheng Chu, Ya-Yi Tsai, Wendy Liao |
Description(English) | In response to intensive gathering in client's home, the designer takes a bold action in designing the living and dining room, such that a spacious place makes everyone feel comfortable. Furthermore, the leather and clothes coaches, the sharp log chair, furniture with diverse characters, etc. show the hostess personality in hospitality, generosity, and unrestraint. Inspired from the general screen, the designer invents the "multifunctional screen" which is capable of separating spaces while coordinating the mechanisms appropriately at the same time, the design securing privacy without losing inclusiveness, and connecting without interfering. |
Description(Native) | 因應業主日常生活中經常性的聚會,設計師在處理客廳與餐廳空間時採用開放性策略,以容納聚會時刻較多的來客數量。空間裡皮革製與布製沙發並置和簡約線條原木單椅等多元風格材質混搭的家具,一景一幕一物件,都在在呼應著女主人家散發的熱情氣氛,展現女主人的好客、大方隨和,不拘小節的爽朗個性。「屏島」取材「屏風」概念的立體抽象轉換,由平面推拉成量體,除了延伸屏風照壁「化直衝為細流,化直接為轉折,化險為夷」的動態風水哲學,阻擋視覺的一眼望穿,也在動線分流上做了適切的調度,協調不同使用者在空間中的生活節奏,各自獨立卻又彼此包容,相互關心卻不彼此干擾。 |
Antifungal Quick Cleaning Electric Rice Cooker
Filterless Air Purifier
Designed by / sketchbook5 board skin