Country | Hong Kong |
Year | 2017 |
Award | WINNER |
Client | RAZ Interiors Limited |
Affiliation | RAZ Interiors Limited |
Designer | Zeta Chu, Rachel Poon |
Description(English) | Spread over five levels, this 3,500-square-foot home was designed for the requirements of a family of three, who enjoy entertaining. It aims to be minimal and modern without compromising on comfort. This is evident throughout the home from its front aspect, which features a semi-transparent glass entrance and wooden ceiling that hides air-conditioning, condensers and piping, to the 1,500-square-foot, terrace-style garden at the back. The property’s entire layout was changed, this was particularly challenging as there were a lot of structural walls that had to be accommodated but which limited the layout plan. |
Description(Native) | 樓高五層,超過3,500呎的獨立屋住宅,設計師為客人一家三口設計出簡約而時尚的風格,亦特別為客人度新訂造娛樂室讓他們擁有一個私人影院,盡情亨樂。由大門看進去,見到了半透明的特色玻璃,木製天花及白色磚牆,在空間上拉大了視覺疆界。 設計師亦把原有的間隔作出頗大改動,如更改樓梯位置,房間間隔,開放式廚房等等,務求令客人有不一樣的感覺,這樣的改動涉及結構牆身,對設計師來說是一大挑戰。而在色調上,設計師主要用了白色及灰色貫穿全屋,加上細膩的設計,為全屋增添格調。 |
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Antifungal Quick Cleaning Electric Rice Cooker
Filterless Air Purifier
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