Country | China |
Year | 2017 |
Client | Runyuanchang |
Affiliation | Lin shaobin Design |
Designer | Shaobin Lin |
Description(English) | Grown at 1700 meter above sea level, in the pristine deep forest of Yunnan province, cloudy tea is prized for its rich and special aftertaste. Yet, tea is not just a drink, it holds a prominent position in Chinese culture. There is a long history, customs and economic activity revolving around the beloved beverages. Designer Shaobin exactly understands its cultural significance and reflect that on his design. On both sets of packaging, unfolding the scroll will reveal the poetic landscapes illustrations offset printed on white and yellow kraft paper. The paper strings holding the packaging together adds a sense of human touch to the design. |
Description(Native) | 一口文化,一口甘甜。茶不只是饮品,在中国文化上地位崇高,衍生出独有的历史,习俗及经济。生长于海拔1700米的云南纯净的古代森林之中,云茶以浓郁茶味与独有的回甘见称。设计师林韶斌深明茶的文化地位,并将其反映在茶的包装设计之中。两款包装的黄白牛皮纸上印有中国山水插画,隐藏于卷轴之中。封装的纸绳为包装注入人性的温度。 |
Antifungal Quick Cleaning Electric Rice Cooker
Filterless Air Purifier
Designed by / sketchbook5 board skin