Country | Taiwan |
Year | 2018 |
Award | WINNER |
Affiliation | Yu Chu Interior Design |
Designer | Chih-Chieh Tien |
Description(English) | The main design idea, focusing on the opposite factors of both heat and frigidness. Firstly, the two-room indoor space furnished with public area enlarges the entire space. The soft colors and logs mitigate the cold atmosphere, caused mainly by LOFT, in the meantime. The living room decorated with 3-D wall art, sound-proof ceiling, and modern furniture & lamps, bring the cold and warm visual effects. For this design method, the designer has harmoniously presenting the beauty of frigidness and heat.he design of barn door, next to the kitchen, displays the exotic atmosphere. |
Description(Native) | 設計特點為:生活品味與風格喜好帶來冷與暖作為主題,設計師利用視覺的鋪陳、層次的轉換、材質與色調的相融,創造出兼具個性與生活感的居家空間。 首先,在設計主軸上為呈現風格調性的對應,透過將原先室內三房改為兩房,建置開放式公共場域,讓整體空間更加開闊,利用柔和的色系與原木材質,軟化工業容易產生的冰冷印象;客廳的立面牆體與天花大量運用木色調的美絲隔音板,與現代家具、燈飾擺設,讓喜歡看電影、聽音樂的生活中帶來絕佳的享受,同時拼湊出客廳、餐廚區,體現出冷暖視覺的平衡美學。設計師在餐、廚區的位置,利用灰色系牆面打造出工業風格,餐廚配件搭配明亮色系作為妝點,塑型空間裡的另一個主視覺。 設計師融合二種不同設計形式在共同場域,毫無違和感地襯托出冷暖對應的豐富層次。廚房旁以穀倉門的造型設計,彷彿來到國外感的一種氛圍,彰顯視覺上之串聯感;臥室牆面用文化石感壁紙,搭配木質地板的柔合色調,鄉村溫潤質樸而感到舒適與放鬆;浴室立面牆體色系繽紛與亮眼,互襯地板使用的馬賽克磚,強烈鮮艷的視覺色彩,為生活增添一份樂趣。 |
Antifungal Quick Cleaning Electric Rice Cooker
Filterless Air Purifier
Designed by / sketchbook5 board skin