Country | China |
Year | 2018 |
Award | WINNER |
Affiliation | G-ART International Architecture and Interior Design |
Designer | Huang Quan |
Description(English) | Located in Jinan City, the exclusive living environment consolidates the high-grade houses, modern arts and grandeur hotels. The 192 first-class houses decorated with extensive floor-to-ceiling glass, adjoin the Daming Lake on the left and the old-traditional business district, has become the well-known fashionable estate in Jinan. Inspired from the royal classical architectural skill “leaking-through scenery,” the designer ingeniously ornamented the ground floor with decorative grilles that artistically magnify the visual scope and disseminate fascinating ambience. |
Description(Native) | 空間營造出現代審美標準,表現手法結合泉城當地特色。去繁雜喧囂,引入水元素靈動卻靜美,壯闊卻精細。穿過園林,映入瑪瑙玉石牆入眼。以玉石為背景,昇華空間氣質。青花白玉石地與白室頂乾淨簡潔,對比了瑪瑙玉,使整體層次感躍進。 藝術格柵為空間增添一抹禪意,此意境取于皇家園林經典「漏景」手法,若隱若現含蓄雅致,半通透景物構設,再定睛與移幻的焦點間豐富室景情趣。地面以黑金混搭木質材劃分出淺空間,對映兩旁夾道水景,配搭材質的延伸,仿若整區域置身水面上,虛實變幻賦有詩意。 洽談區牆面以黃金比分割,結構關係明顯且輪廓清晰。空間中的現代裝飾與自然綠景互為點綴,賦予空間協調的色彩比例與自然力度。深色木飾面以高光烤漆加工後呈光透反射,將室外景延伸入室內,室內外互為借景增進空間延伸感,整空間變的鮮活具質感。 水吧台面的彩雲追月毛面石材運用,成了項目中的點睛之筆。黑管形吊燈的陣列形式極具儀式感,配以背景中的禪意山水涵養,意境悠遠綿長。 |
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Antifungal Quick Cleaning Electric Rice Cooker
Filterless Air Purifier
Designed by / sketchbook5 board skin