Country | Hong Kong |
Year | 2018 |
Award | WINNER |
Client | F22 Foto Space |
Affiliation | RAAWstudio |
Designer | 黃卓健Ricci Wong |
Description(English) | This artist residency space is designed for visiting scholars and artists of the F22 gallery in Happy Valley. These residents such as travelling photographers, would already have a familiarity with spectacles around the globe. With this in mind we attempted to respond to this by creating something unique to our Hong Kong context creating what we call the 'Neo-Cantonese' style. Similar to the idea of collecting Cantonese jewelry in a treasure box, we have filled this space with special and unique items which reflect the subtleties of the old Cantonese culture. Ricci Wong was the authentic designer of extremely small transformable spaces. |
Description(Native) | 這是給f22 攝影博物館獨家邀請的國際知名攝影師居住的藝術家住宅。攝影師到世界各地把當地的風采以相機收藏在光圈裡,如同把收集的寶物放在寶盒內一樣。設計師想讓來訪的攝影師也感受到他收集的廣東南洋色彩與風格,整個空間就是容納新的材料、色調與地域文化歲月的月光寶盒。香港本土設計師對於家園記憶的追尋與傳統地域文化的復興也得以在空間中呈現。 設計師黃卓健Ricci Wong採用獨特廣東物品豐富空間,開創了傳統與創新融合的後廣東主義風格。懷舊的摺疊屏風配上新穎的青色樹脂,使人如進入長滿青苔的廣東園子。打開屏風能看到由廣東麻將牌組成的鳥語花香。花園裡的古典浴缸讓人盡情享受浸泡時光。廣東園林移步換景的手法令空間變化迭出。臥室中的園林場景讓旅者享受傍晚的鳥嗚,和銅羅灣繁華的城市风光形成強烈對比,如身處都市空中花園。室內濃烈的廣東綠,跟材質上的幾種微綠,跳級式地變成珍珠貝殼顏色,濃淡深淺相得益彰,營造出豐富的色彩層次。質感的家居與飽滿的牆面色調相輔相成,穩定不失動感。糖果般的珠寶頸鏈吊燈和雅致的美國胡桃木,配以藝術感十足的裝置,讓居住者感受舒服優閒的廣東慢生活。可赏可游可居的有限空間中蘊藏無限的意境之美,傳達出廣東南洋人文風情。 |
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Antifungal Quick Cleaning Electric Rice Cooker
Filterless Air Purifier
Designed by / sketchbook5 board skin