Year | 2018 |
Award | WINNER |
Affiliation | Yuli Design |
Designer | Ken Lee |
Description(English) | To understand the characteristics of space, to consider the travelers’ needs, and to show the aesthetic of design are ours goals. Stable House is not only a resting place, but also a supply station for your spirit. Stable House looks like a couple of containers layers stacked, and on its east side we install windows of different sizes to let the light in. The reddish black cultured stone used to build first floor and the artificial stone outside looking rough and original make it looks like a ‘stable’, hence the name of the hotel. |
Description(Native) | 對我們而言,旅店設計不只是空間的打理,而是一場全方位的學問貫穿,考量旅客的心意,了解空間的特性,展現設計的美學,接受不同的意見,STABLE HOUBE希望帶來的不只是旅客休憩所而是心靈補給站。 層層堆疊的貨櫃造型屋使樓高約達19米,在長度約26米(包含一樓雨遮)的東面,放置高短寬窄不一的窗戶,在設計者的酌量下納入合宜的光線,另外有一個小小的趣味,在一樓外觀的材質刻意選用紅黑色仿舊文化石搭配粗曠原始的人造石頭營造stable的另一面馬廄色系的感覺。 相較於外觀的堅硬穩固,推開大門走進來,立刻感受到全然不同的感受,挑高的天花板運用不銹鋼板的反射特性將雲朵變多讓高度更高了,彷彿天邊一朵朵的吊燈全部是設計師塑型織密的手作燈,一、二樓設定為旅店的公共空間,除了提供旅客用餐之外同時也是一間對外營業的茶屋。延續從貨櫃結合旅店的心思,我們並非只是將客房視為一個休憩的場域,每間房間就像是擁有不同性格的人一樣,空間應該是富含各種表情極具人性的,於是我們創造了沉浸(Indulge)、進化(Evolve)、侘寂(WabiSabi)、日光(Shine Flower)、色調(Panetone)、幻想(Fantasy)、旅程(Journey)、巴雷(Ballerina)共八種房型,雖然旅店與旅客的關係是短暫的,但我們期待這些短暫的美好時光同時也是空間與人之間的相互選擇。 |
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Antifungal Quick Cleaning Electric Rice Cooker
Filterless Air Purifier
Designed by / sketchbook5 board skin