


Chien House

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Country Taiwan
Year 2018
Affiliation Architects Uncharted
Designer Chien, Chi-shen
Description(English) With passive design to explore Taiwan native architecture style, through “Wooden House is Architect’s Home” as a model and teaching, with field study activities, seminars, and home stay experiences to share the “Living Philosophy”. Strive to change Taiwanese people’s stereotyping of “wood house”, gain their confidence and peace of mind. Expecting to continuously promote this design philosophy, could allow wood to replace RC, extend an architecture’s life cycle, revitalize forestry, and work towards the goal of “Healthy Habitants, Sustainable Earth”.
Description(Native) 有鑑於食安風暴頻傳及全球暖化加劇,所以認為自身健康與環境健康同等重要的簡家人決定回歸鄉村自耕自食,並在RC造充斥的台灣推廣可減碳固碳的被動式木造建築。 計畫分為兩大主軸。一是「綠食養」:以家庭菜園實踐有機物小型循環,透過自製料理找回食物原味與健康,在餐桌上分享「食的哲學」;透過飲食的選擇,改變生活,改變環境。 二是「綠住居」:以被動式設計探討台灣風土建築樣式;以「建築師自宅是木造建築」來以身作則、言傳身教;透過舉辦見學活動、講座及住宿體驗,分享「住的哲學」;試圖扭轉台灣民眾對木屋的刻板印象,建立信心與安心感。 另外借助植物、動物與昆蟲來建立互利共生的關係。 以上兩大主軸再藉由聚會空間連結兩族群並交互感染、重新思考,或對銀髮族提供另一種生活的可能性。期望透過持續推廣,能減少農藥使用、以木材取代RC、延長建築物生命周期、振興林業,朝向「居者健康、地球永續」的目標邁進。
Website www.facebook.com/ArchitectsUncharted
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