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Country Taiwan
Year 2019
Affiliation Peny Hsieh Interiors
Designer Peny Hsieh, Jay Lu
Description(English) In silence, the slight flow of space can be perceived: the facade is without the order, five-colored floor rises and falls with a little noise, and the ceiling is ripped through the direct curve. The vividness of leisure is demonstrated in the colors and materials of natural minerals, reaching relaxing breaths and coordination. Through the gray lights, more tiny pores can be seen. They are now far and quiet, breathing deeply and joyfully. The cut of building mass and a style of geometric sculpture make the body feel a confortable and peaceful design in the living area with a low-Chroma color, gray.
Description(Native) 沉靜中,能體察到空間細微流動:立面錯落進退、五色地板輕聲起伏、天花順直流線劃開…悠游的生動性,於自然礦物的色調與材質中,達到一種協調紓壓的吸吐;順著灰階通透的光線,更可窺見材質的毛孔,正與生活一起遠離塵囂,愉悅地深呼吸呢! 擅以量體的切割、幾何雕塑的手法,低彩度灰色調,讓身體於居家感受到一種舒適且雋永的設計感;更輕量化量體的沉重性,採溝縫脫開或不落地設計,為居家帶來輕盈感受;佐以曲度線條,柔和空間表情,同時解決狹長屋型的侷促感,圓潤了生活感受。 走入臥房私領域,細緻黑色鐵窗,框架出空間時尚俐落的輪廓,也界定出了內外意境的層層景緻;輔圓弧鐵花,讓新藝術的語彙蔓延著。由訂製服的細膩車縫線,作為啟發的「X」型把手,讓使用者如同開啟珠寶盒般,創造打開衣櫃的美好且期待的儀式感。
Website penyhsieh.com
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