

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2019
Affiliation Depth design
Designer Timzhang
Description(English) Low saturation color system is used in space color matching to create a soft visual sense. On the first floor, we combined various IP images to create a space theme such as a hand-painted wall, which added a lot of childlike interest to the project. About the second floor space design, the brave bridge connects the audio-visual room, Children and parents can enjoy time together. The three-layers crawl in the middle area can accommodate 20 adults to climb and roll at the same time. In terms of design ideas, we focus on creating a fun space where children and parents can enjoy together.
Description(Native) 在空间配色上运用了饱和度较低的色系,营造出柔和的视觉感官。 一层利用各种IP形象的结合,创造了手绘墙等突出空间主题,同时增加了许多温度和童趣。 二层空间设计中,勇敢之桥连通着孩子与家长共同享受亲子时光的影音室。 中间区域三层的爬网可以同时容纳20个成年人,可攀爬、可翻滚、亦可躺在其中忘记烦恼。九米高的“魔鬼滑梯”,承载了大人与孩子共同冒险的主题,除了让孩子挑战高度的滑行,也可让大人怀抱孩子一起“冒险”。 设计思路上,我们侧重营造孩子与家长可以共同参与的趣味空间,希望让孩子的家长们也能找到童真的记忆。也期盼着孩子的童梦里始终记得有爸爸妈妈们的陪伴。想借此告诉家长们,陪伴是个永恒的话题,只有真正一起参与才能不落下孩子们在嬉戏中逐渐认知的成长!
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