


GID Office

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Country China
Year 2019
Client GID International Design
Affiliation GID
Designer Gary Zeng
Description(English) This is an old building in Shanghai Originally the designer was invited to do renovation for this building and later he is invited to move into the 1 and 2 floors to work. Since it is a historical building and the original structure is not allowed to be changed greatly, the design work is rather difficult. Based on its original structure, the designer creates new blocks and functions for it and rebuilds the spatial order and aesthetics. 1st floor is designed into a small art museum instead of traditional office and applied with some original products of the designer. 2nd floor is employee office area.
Description(Native) 因为房子是一栋历史建筑,原有结构不允许大动,所以设计难度比较大。设计师遵循空间的建构关系赋予它新的体块和功能,重新塑造空间的秩序及和美观性。一层打破了传统办公的设计形态,定位为小型艺术馆&收藏馆,并置入艺术及原创设计产品,后期可根据不同的需求调整,有着无限的可能性。同时亦营造出静谧舒适的室内氛围,为人们在繁忙的都市中提供一处放松憩歇的共享空间。2F为员工办公区。在2F&3F之间设计了悬空的红色箱体作为楼梯的收尾,让整个空间变得有意思起来。 临近大门处的挑高空间是这里的一大亮点,将一、二层的楼板打通,既形成了一个空间景观点,又改善了一楼的光线,通透也不失互动性。 这处中庭景观楼梯所在位置是老房子的电梯厅,设计师将电梯挪动至房屋的后侧,将此处空间解放出来,楼梯也就顺势变成了一种景观。 因为办公室的面积限制,设计师把很多功能进行了叠加,阅读器&会议区等功能相融合,原本痛点变为办公室的亮点。 设计师希望能改变人们对办公室的认知感受,让工作成为一种享受。
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