



Extra Form
Country China
Year 2019
Client Pearl River Enterprises Group
Affiliation Kris Lin International Design
Designer Kris Lin
Description(English) The project is close to the two landmark parks nearby,the location adjacent to two parks is very rare in the downtown area.Thus, we hope to let people feel when they stay in the project,even in the interior space,they feel like walking in the park.There were many small shops on 2nd floor originally.We break the original space and turn it into an open interior garden.We move the exterior garden into interior space and create an oriental garden space with elements like bridge,flowing water,waterfall,etc.Construction of water pond in the interior space is one of the challenges.
Description(Native) 项目紧邻四川北路公园和海伦公园两大地标性公园,这样的地理优势在城市中心是非常少见的,所以我们想用“公园”的概念去完成设计。在室内空间植入公园概念,不仅有着小桥流水的东方元素意境,还有着人与自然之间的和谐共存,是寻找内心深处那份悠然宁静和诗情画意的向往。 我们希望让人们感受到,身处于该项目中,虽然在室内空间,但好像也是走在公园里面的感觉,所以运用了东方园林的园林造景设计理念,给用户带来专属于中国式的尊贵体验感。 原2层商铺空间结构非常密集,我们打破整个原有空间,希望做成非常开阔的室内园林空间,我们将户外的园林景观搬到了室内空间,做出了有小桥、流水、瀑布等设计元素的东方园林空间,在室内做水池本身也是挑战之一。 我们经过巧妙的设计规划将室内空间布局成一个像公园一样的环绕式的动线设计,就像在公园里行走一样。把东方园林的意境和园林的元素融入设计中,希望创造一个人与自然环境相融合的人居空间,打造人与自然的和谐发展。
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