Country | China |
Year | 2020 |
Award | WINNER |
Client | Haicheng Group Lanzhou |
Affiliation | YAN DESIGN |
Designer | YANDESIGN |
Description(English) | Based on the understanding of the unique regional culture, this project with gold as the main color, silk elements are integrated into the interior and furnishings design, highlighting the luxury and nobleness of Oriental characteristics, and echoing the haze outside the building.Super high space appears open atmosphere, and will be strong Oriental classical aesthetics contained in them, there is the dynamic balance of the unity of opposites let the beauty of space full of layers. Also the designer integrates cultural elements and connotations into each decorative object. |
Description(Native) | 基于对独特的地域文化的理解,将文化之元素与内涵融于每一件器物中,用艺术与设计表达兰州的大美苍穹, 无限星光。本案以金色为主色调,将丝绸元素融于室内及陈设设计中,彰显出东方特色的奢华高贵,与建筑外烟霞互为呼应。空间挑高,开阔大气,浓厚的东方古典美学蕴含于此,对立统一的动态平衡让空间之美充满层次感。 接待大厅的艺术灯饰似一条银色绸带将空间联结,如镶嵌在孤烟大漠夕阳中,重现当年丝绸之路上商旅不绝的景象,也仿佛听到了飘忽在大漠中的悠悠驼铃声。 洽谈区大厅高而开阔,雄浑大气,屏风样式的隔断,蕴含着浓厚的东方古典美学,亦可谓“重到兰州境,吟魂觉暗消”。而这“屏风”又因上面规律的几何图形添了几分现代的灵动感,细微的结合却是深远的视觉变化。 水吧利用纹理增强质感。黑色的神秘,金色的奢华,带来强烈的视觉冲击。反映高级艺术情调的同时,更代表对高品质生活细节的追求。 陀螺形状的艺术装置将过客的目光集中于过厅,空间的艺术性在这里展现出来,丝绸的金色依然贯穿,如放置艺术品的圆台底部、桌椅腿部等,于细节处体现艺术之美。 黄河远上白云间,一片孤城万仞山。二层vip区从一层的庄重气节中跳脱出来,柔和的色彩,使它更显得祥和宁静。像是从喧嚣吵闹的街道忽然转进了婉转狭长的小石板路,繁华声绝于耳。 |
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