



Extra Form
Country China
Year 2023
Affiliation Zhejiang University
Designer Jing Zhang, Zirui Wang, Sheng Yang, Sizhou Zhang, Jiacheng Cao
Description(English) Timely and appropriate menstrual education for teenagers can lead them to have a positive attitude toward menstruation. Millo is a menstrual education game designed for teenagers, which supports 2-4 people to experience collaboratively. It consists of a projectable explore module, six levels, a main unit for reading off levels, and tangible props. Deployed on public occasions, Millo enriched users' visual and touch experience and provided a positive and interesting perspective on taboo issues. More non-menstruators were invited to discuss menstruation, Which contributed to the de-gendering and normalization of menstruation.
Description(Native) 及时、恰当的月经教育对青少年的健康成长至关重要。但对于很多青少年来说,月经仍然是一个令人感到困惑和尴尬的话题。 “Millo”旨在帮助青少年建立更为积极的月经态度,并促进同辈之间的讨论和互相教育。 游戏中,玩家将帮助象征着月经的小怪物“Millo‘找回记忆。通过游戏中的探索和解谜,玩家将学习关于月经的各种知识,并帮助”Millo“找到自己的记忆碎片。 “Millo”由可投影的探索模块、六个关卡、一个主机和多个实体道具组成。各关卡涵盖了月经周期、经血成分、经期变化、月经产品、月经情景以及月经的家园等方面的知识,并具备以下创新点: 1.采用跨性别的协作模式,让月经不再局限于女性之间的话题,这有助于同辈之间的讨论和互相教育。 2.通过实体道具的趣味互动,鼓励青少年在游戏中自主探索,让月经知识变得轻松而印象深刻。 3.鼓励青少年在游戏中进行更多的自我表达,通过和Millo建立情感上的联系推动正向的月经态度转变。
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