



Extra Form
Country China Hong Kong
Year 2023
Client New Vision Arts Festival
Affiliation Brian Lee and Dylan Kwok
Designer Brian Lee
Description(English) STAGE is a seat specially designed for the stage, so that a performer can sit back and appreciate its support as he or she interacts with the public. Such a seat also renders privacy and security, so the sitter can shine all the more on “the stage on a stage”. At the same time, STAGE is also made with the backstage crew in mind, balancing actual weight with visual aesthetics. Apart from being easy to move, it vies to be a beloved object both on and off stage. Let it be the performer’s greatest partner! @co-created by Brian Lee and Dylan Kwok
Description(Native) 「藝術就坐」由「新視野」藝術節中的黑盒表演藝術空間出發,由四位來自建築、環境及室內和產品設計師設計一套為觀賞藝術而生的椅凳,並衍生一場「藝術,請坐」,由設計師連結舞蹈、音樂及南音的三個演出單位進行一場實驗演出x講座。 「講者椅」是「舞台上的舞台」 舞台上的好拍檔可能是一個團隊、一個人,或是一件死物。「講者椅」專為表演者在台上分享而設,讓表演者在台上分享時可以有所依靠。這值得信賴的拍檔,既是表演者的後盾,提供適當的私隱度和安全感,讓他們在「舞台上的舞台」更耀眼奪目。 「講者椅」亦為幕後團隊考慮周到,在視覺美觀和實際重量之間作出平衡,使其易於搬運,成為 台前幕後也樂用的椅子。 「講者椅」是由李朗賢與郭達麟共同設計
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