



Extra Form
Country China Hong Kong
Year 2024
Affiliation Jason Lie Interiors Ltd.
Designer Jason Lie
Description(English) Designer incorporated ample white elements throughout the office, with expansive glass windows facing the meeting and work areas, offering a wealth of natural light and imbuing the interior with a luminous ambiance. By integrating a diverse array of finishes and materials, such as neutral marble, white glass, and steel, and carefully selecting artistic furnishings, this all-white environment exudes a chic and refined aesthetic. A folding door situated between the work and meeting areas can be opened or closed depending on the situation - closed during meetings and open during daily use to merge the two areas into a more expansive space.
Description(Native) 設計師用了大量白色元素佈置辦公室,大面積玻璃窗正對會議和工作區,為辦公環境提供大量的自然光,令室內日夜都能保持明亮的光度。然而,素白裝修不一定索然無味,設計師反而以不同巧妙手法將單調觀感化成豐富的視覺層次。 採用中性大理石、白色玻璃和鋼材等不同飾面和材料打造的全白色環境,搭配特別挑選的藝術家具,讓這個設計時尚且有格調。 開放式辦公室中心位置擺放著多功能中島,中島是員工聚集的中心點,中島將工作區和會議區分開,中島中有抽屜存放不同的材質樣品,方便員工從兩側取用。 工作區和會議區之間有一扇折疊門,可以根據不同情況打開和關閉 -會議時關上,日常使用時打開門將兩個區域合併成一個更大的空間。 靈活的會議室設計,允許同事專注於工作和不阻礙團隊協作。
Website www.jasonlie-interiors.com
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The design was highly evaluated for its use of ample white elements and expansive glass windows, providing abundant natural light and a luminous ambiance. The integration of diverse materials and artistic furnishings creates a chic and refined aesthetic.
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  1. Multifunctional Electric Screwdriver

  2. Travel Garment Steamer

  3. WarmerShoulder Stretchy Lightweight Warm

  4. Flash Card Reader

  5. CLIBO

  6. Poinf

  7. Sunset lounger

  8. MODULE AIR Adaptive Fracture Fixation Kit

  9. iPICK

  10. Slient Straw

  11. An intoxicating cup

  12. Dstone

  13. Sensory Induction

  14. TurningSpeaker Honk Speed Bumps

  15. KNOB

  16. PLIP

  17. Loofah Porcelain Lamps

  18. WO ROOM Edible Insect Farming Set

  19. Altocumulus Light

  20. IBEX ST

  21. RhinoCare


  23. AirMAX

  24. Bubble Sterilizer

  25. A type of granules package with stirring stick

  26. Anti Poaching Smart UAV Design

  27. M TOOL

  28. EV Charger System

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K设计大奖是由 DESIGNSORI Co., Ltd. 主办并举办,取消了造型的简单性和复杂性,不仅通过优秀的设计实现创意的具体化,并赋予产品创造潜力真正的价值。以这样的目标为基础,期待着由设计者,公司,设计机关及设计工作室推出最佳的设计理念,构成卓越的设计形态,制作出有创意的作品。


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