

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation Bohan Design
Designer Wang Chi
Description(English) Aesthetics The material, tone, ratio and line, these four items create the beauty of space tranquility. The circle is the most perfect geometric figure, which means roundness and completeness, making the tiny house more friendly. Uniqueness By using the configuration of movable compartments and the functional design of vertical storage, it maintains the spaciousness of the public realm and the privacy of the private one in a hidden way to make the tiny house. Practicality Complete storage: Limited by the narrow space, the vertical storage method is used to develop the storage space upward or downward.
Description(Native) 美學上運用材質、色調、比例、線條,四者相對,營造空間寧靜之美。「材質」鐵件、石材、木皮搭配礦物塗料形成精緻的交錯,描繪出寧靜之美。「色調」大地色系作為空間的主軸,沉穩的色調呈現出深沉靜雅的意境。「比例」將整個空間中心點為主軸,劃分為4等分,讓客廳、臥室、餐廳、多功能房合而為一。實用機能設計,「機能十足」主臥室配置可變化的玻璃折門與電動布簾,運用折門取代實體牆面,一開一拉之間,空間可大可小,讓整體空間感更通透明亮。「動線流暢」開放式廚房為動線之中心,作為空間區隔之餐桌吧台,則將客廳、餐廳、廚房的生活機能規整於此。規劃流暢的生活動線有助於提升生活效率並化解空間不足的壅塞感。「收納完備」受限於空間的狹小,故運用垂直收納的方式,將收納的空間向上或向下發展。「線條」圓是最完美的幾何圖形,有圓融、圓滿之意,使微型住宅更友善。一般案場為了遷就空間不足,又要符合實際生活需求,不是將一般住宅規劃直接濃縮至微型住宅中,造成空間壅塞緊迫,就是改以全開放式呈現,卻失去收納機能。然而,本案透過運用活動式隔間的配置,再搭配垂直收納的機能設計,除了保有公領域的寬闊、私領域的隱私,更大大滿足日常生活收納需求,卻又以隱藏於天地方式呈現,完全不影響視覺美觀,讓微型住宅擁有精品旅館般的享受,從此不再因空間而委屈。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The project excels in aesthetic and practical design. Circles create a sense of completeness and tranquility, while movable compartments and vertical storage maximize space efficiency. This design effectively balances public spaciousness and private privacy, optimizing limited space.
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