

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation Sketch Interior Design
Description(English) The theme of the project was “simple and modern, with a focus on the use of natural materials and an open plan. The owners are looking for an open kitchen and home office, so the designers installed a glass partition to create a sense of transparency in the study room. The glass effectively regulates light and keeps the space open. For the open-plan kitchen, the designers innovatively installed a glass sliding door and two-stage exhaust to control the dispersion of grease and smoke while maintaining the connection between the kitchen and the social area.
Description(Native) 基地為中古屋,設計主軸以「簡約現代」進行,並專注於使用天然材料和開放空間。業主希望環境擁有開放式廚房和居家辦公室,因此設計師利用玻璃隔間來創造書房的通透感,玻璃元素能有效地調節光線並保持空間的開放性,例如,書房的隔間和廚房的窗口都利用玻璃來營造明亮舒適的環境。對於開放式廚房的油煙問題,設計師創新地使用可滑動的玻璃門和二段式排氣設備,以有效控制油煙的擴散,同時保持廚房與公共空間的連接。 當日光可以順著窗櫺、玻璃,輕撫著壁面與石材進入空間,彷彿空間的光影變化有了串流,日光是生活最好的調味劑,適當的設計能使居住者無論在何處都能看到現代與簡約交融的視覺饗宴,作品名稱遂取為「串影」。 空間中的色彩元素非常純粹,利用建材的自然紋理和玻璃的透明光澤,營造出視覺通透、舒適且寬敞的效果。在淺色系的色彩語彙中,日光可以在空間中得到很好的散播與收斂,不會有過分張揚的色彩或過多刺眼的視覺效果,這樣自然流露出的設計感,便是一家人最溫馨的日常背景。
Website www.sketch10.com
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The theme of the project emphasizes simplicity and modernity, using natural materials and an open plan. The designers met the owners' request for an open kitchen and home office by installing a glass partition in the study, promoting transparency and light regulation. In the kitchen, a glass sliding door and two-stage exhaust system control grease and smoke, maintaining a connection with the social area. This design received high praise for effectively balancing functionality and aesthetics in an open-plan living space.
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  1. Multifunctional Electric Screwdriver

  2. Travel Garment Steamer

  3. WarmerShoulder Stretchy Lightweight Warm

  4. Flash Card Reader

  5. CLIBO

  6. Poinf

  7. Sunset lounger

  8. MODULE AIR Adaptive Fracture Fixation Kit

  9. iPICK

  10. Slient Straw

  11. An intoxicating cup

  12. Dstone

  13. Sensory Induction

  14. TurningSpeaker Honk Speed Bumps

  15. KNOB

  16. PLIP

  17. Loofah Porcelain Lamps

  18. WO ROOM Edible Insect Farming Set

  19. Altocumulus Light

  20. IBEX ST

  21. RhinoCare


  23. AirMAX

  24. Bubble Sterilizer

  25. A type of granules package with stirring stick

  26. Anti Poaching Smart UAV Design

  27. M TOOL

  28. EV Charger System

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