

Extra Form
Country China Hong Kong
Year 2024
Affiliation Dumb Design and Production Co., Ltd.
Designer Leo Tam
Description(English) The 3-bedroom unit was transformed into a 2-bedroom layout that better suits the homeowner's lifestyle. An open kitchen was added, seamlessly connecting it to the living room and offering views of prominent Hong Kong landmarks. The modifications aimed to optimize the unit for single-person living, expanding the living space by incorporating the bedrooms into the living room. A spacious curved storage cabinet was installed to address storage needs, while the master bedroom was redesigned with a glass partition for a more open and spacious feel.
Description(Native) 將單位原有的3房改變為2房。通過開放式廚房進入客廳,直望可以看到香港的郵輪碼頭及香港主要金融中心 中環區。 改動後令整個單位的規劃,更適合屋主一人生活。 原有的房間變為客廳的一部份, 使整個客廳的面積變大, 一個大弧型的儲物櫃 , 滿足大部份的儲存問題。 主人房把浴室改為玻璃間格,使空間感增加 , 令原本的黑廁變得更寬大及開揚。 設計的核心特點包括明亮的色調、自然材料的使用、簡潔的線條和功能性的設計。融合了不同的元素,營造出一種舒適、溫暖且與自然環境融為一體的氛圍。透過使用自然材料如木材、石頭和布料,北歐風格呈現出自然、質樸的美感。整體而言,為屋主提供了一個舒適、和諧且充滿個人風格的居住環境。。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The transformation optimized single-person living by converting a 3-bedroom unit into a 2-bedroom layout. An open kitchen connects to the living room, enhancing space and landmark views. Curved storage and glass partitions add functionality and openness. This design received high praise for its innovative space optimization and seamless integration of aesthetics and functionality.
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  1. Multifunctional Electric Screwdriver

  2. Travel Garment Steamer

  3. WarmerShoulder Stretchy Lightweight Warm

  4. Flash Card Reader

  5. CLIBO

  6. Poinf

  7. Sunset lounger

  8. MODULE AIR Adaptive Fracture Fixation Kit

  9. iPICK

  10. Slient Straw

  11. An intoxicating cup

  12. Dstone

  13. Sensory Induction

  14. TurningSpeaker Honk Speed Bumps

  15. KNOB

  16. PLIP

  17. Loofah Porcelain Lamps

  18. WO ROOM Edible Insect Farming Set

  19. Altocumulus Light

  20. IBEX ST

  21. RhinoCare


  23. AirMAX

  24. Bubble Sterilizer

  25. A type of granules package with stirring stick

  26. Anti Poaching Smart UAV Design

  27. M TOOL

  28. EV Charger System

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