

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Client Lius VC Co., Ltd.
Affiliation BIN LIVE Co., Ltd.
Designer BIN LIVE
Description(English) The concert theme "Heaven & Dirt" is describing how we would spend our time when we have different encounters on the journey of life. The stage design combines the thought of "Round Sky and Square Earth'' which echoes the perspective of life in the songs, leading the audience to experience their own repeated experiments and explorations. The stage transformed "Round Sky and Square Earth" into a physical symbol, using circular lighting structures to form the main space on the top, and rectangular LED screens to depict the ground. The focus is on how to give the audience an impressive yet simple and powerful visual experience.
Description(Native) 演唱會主題『天堂與泥土』 是deca joins 最新專輯中收錄的其中一首歌曲,描述我們在遊歷人生的旅途上有不同的遭遇時,會是以怎樣的心境度過。 『天圓地方』是古人最初對於世界的解讀與想像,雖然最後證實是個謬誤,卻見證了人類不停反覆的試驗、探索,渴望驗證屬於自己的世界觀。 這種精神也呼應了歌曲中窺探人生的視角,成為了本次演唱會的設計基底。以deca joins創作主元素「水」的循環,帶領觀眾經歷這場屬於自己的反覆試驗跟探索。 對應本次演唱會主題『天堂與泥土』的概念,舞台設計將『天圓地方』轉化成舞台實體符號,以圓弧形燈光結構形成天上主要空間,以矩形LED去描繪地面。著重在如何給觀眾印象深刻又簡潔有力的視覺感受。 在天上的空間,有著巨大的圓環燈光結構。並且嘗試在燈光設計中加入圓潤的光源漸層變化,彷彿像是真實天體運轉的光線投射一樣。 這個巨大的圓環結構不僅是在主舞台上方,更是橫跨到前區觀眾的頭頂,讓燈光的氛圍渲染可以更融合、滲透進觀眾席,使整個場域都沉浸在表演情境之中。 觀眾進場時可以看見舞台面簡潔的矩形LED屏幕佔據了整個舞台。當演出開始,橫幅LED向上拉起,這時可以看見在表演者後方襯著另一道矩形LED,我們試圖將符號化繁為簡,利用LED的特性,去達成既能夠被影像視覺所包覆,同時又具有上下層次的效果。
Website www.bin-live.com
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The K-Design Award 2024 winning project received high marks for its innovative stage design. By combining the "Round Sky and Square Earth" concept with circular lighting and rectangular LED screens, it effectively encapsulates life's journey and philosophical perspectives. This design offers a simple yet powerful visual experience, resonating deeply with the audience.
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  1. Multifunctional Electric Screwdriver

  2. Travel Garment Steamer

  3. WarmerShoulder Stretchy Lightweight Warm

  4. Flash Card Reader

  5. CLIBO

  6. Poinf

  7. Sunset lounger

  8. MODULE AIR Adaptive Fracture Fixation Kit

  9. iPICK

  10. Slient Straw

  11. An intoxicating cup

  12. Dstone

  13. Sensory Induction

  14. TurningSpeaker Honk Speed Bumps

  15. KNOB

  16. PLIP

  17. Loofah Porcelain Lamps

  18. WO ROOM Edible Insect Farming Set

  19. Altocumulus Light

  20. IBEX ST

  21. RhinoCare


  23. AirMAX

  24. Bubble Sterilizer

  25. A type of granules package with stirring stick

  26. Anti Poaching Smart UAV Design

  27. M TOOL

  28. EV Charger System

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