



Extra Form
Country China Hong Kong
Year 2024
Affiliation LEO TAM
Designer Leo Tam
Description(English) The design theme of this unit is 「森林」 (Forest) I noticed that the unit is located in a semi-mountainous area, surrounded by green mountain scenery, and the sunlight creates a very fresh and comfortable feeling. The design focus is on the use of ValPaint, an Italian art paint brand, with a tree pattern series that gives the appearance of tree trunks appearing on the unit's ceiling, running through the rooms and between the living room. The goal is to create an indoor design that echoes the forest scenery outside the window.
Description(Native) 這單位的設計主題為 「森林」 我留意到單位座落於半山區,外圍景觀全是的綠悠悠山景, 日光時份非常清新和舒服的感覺。 設計重點是作品中選用了意大利的藝術油漆品牌-ValPaint 的樹木紋系列 仿如把樹木的樹幹出現在單位的天花,貫穿房間和客廳之間 希望能夠把室內的設計和窗外的樹林景色,互相呼應 除了符合生活需求,最希望做到的是感受到確確實實的空間感和不同元素配合出來的效果。 玄關及改動間隔後的開放式廚房 由黑與白組合而成。用意是在沒有任何間隔及保持空間感下 亦能在視覺上分辨出兩個區域 。 在間隔的改動上,通過打通原有2客房的隔間,使得室內空間更加開闊,提升了生活品質和動線的順暢度。此外,單位選用了一些比較特別的物料,如紋理明顯的木材、磨砂玻璃等,並且運用了突出的色彩配搭,使得整個室內空間更顯生氣。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This design is praised for its innovative theme "森林" (Forest), harmonizing with the semi-mountainous surroundings and green scenery. Using ValPaint's tree pattern series, it creates a seamless indoor-outdoor connection with tree trunk visuals on the ceiling and walls. This approach captures the essence of the forest, earning it the Gold Winner title for its exceptional integration of nature and interior design
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  2. WOM Wartime Emergency Midwifery Kit

  3. Slight Modular exhaust colostomy pouch

  4. Knock Knock

  5. Sculptural modular energy free cooling

  6. Repairer

  7. Cleanset

  8. loading and transportation vehicle

  9. FEEL CERTAIN Thermometer

  10. G AILAB G Eye Parking Robot

  11. H abyz Gen2 Detector

  12. TinyCase

  13. CMF Sample Kit

  14. Equi CPR

  15. Field of Vision

  16. Roller

  17. Automatic cat litter box

  18. Klug Electric Kitchen Composter

  19. Butlr Anonymous Spatial Intelligence Platform

  20. Chemix

  21. TansluSphere

  22. cocoda chair

  23. PP Hive

  24. Ultra Light Pacifier

  25. Signal Convex MIRROR of Volvo

  26. Beetle Inspired Biomimetic Charging Pile

  27. MBD ASFA Spotter

  28. Hairdryer S1

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