



Extra Form
Country China
Year 2024
Designer Shixun Fan
Description(English) This project is the office of SIM Simplify Architecture in Shanghai. The design of the space continues the concept of pure simplicity in form and function. We tried to create a new building with an entrance, staircase mezzanine and roof by merging two long and narrow single rooms into one space of equal length and width.From the interior architecture to the furniture and equipment products, it seems to be a echo to the heyday of 20th century architecture and product design.
Description(Native) 本案为SIM簡線建築位于上海的办公室,空间设计仍然延续了形随机能,纯粹简单的设计理念。我们尝试将两间狭长的单室打通合并成一个长宽相等的空间后,在室内营造出一个有入口、楼梯、夹层和屋顶的新建筑。从室内建筑到家具设备产品仿佛都在回应二十世纪建筑和产品设计鼎盛的年代。 轻与重 夹层围栏呼应悬挑桌面的关系,削弱结构的厚重感。 纤薄的金属层板和室内厚重的体块呈对比,突出立面的结构层次。 厚与薄 金属板焊接制作的工作桌和木板, 楼梯桌面不同厚度的穿插使用让空间的层次感更加丰富多样。 形随机能 空间中依然沿用以往常用的材质。 我们相信纯粹干练的设计语言功能处理,胜过一切装饰主义带来的使用感受和视觉体验。 经典 未来 产自2002年的iMACG4经过改造后内置了macmin的心脏后,我们成功复活了工业设计年代的经典产品。 从二手家具店淘到的1960年代来自瑞士的LP唱片机柜除了设备本身的功能外这还是一组文件柜。 过去 当代 Mario Belini为C&Bitalia设计的VintageAmanta休闲椅,产自上世纪70年代。采用Fiberite(玻璃纤维增强聚酯)框架搁在4个球。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments SIM Simplify Architecture's office design in Shanghai is lauded for its pure simplicity in form and function. By merging two narrow rooms into a cohesive space with an entrance, mezzanine, and roof, it echoes the elegance of 20th-century architecture and design. This harmonious blend of interior architecture and furniture earned it the Gold Winner title, celebrating its innovative approach to simplicity and functionality.
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  2. WOM Wartime Emergency Midwifery Kit

  3. Slight Modular exhaust colostomy pouch

  4. Knock Knock

  5. Sculptural modular energy free cooling

  6. Repairer

  7. Cleanset

  8. loading and transportation vehicle

  9. FEEL CERTAIN Thermometer

  10. G AILAB G Eye Parking Robot

  11. H abyz Gen2 Detector

  12. TinyCase

  13. CMF Sample Kit

  14. Equi CPR

  15. Field of Vision

  16. Roller

  17. Automatic cat litter box

  18. Klug Electric Kitchen Composter

  19. Butlr Anonymous Spatial Intelligence Platform

  20. Chemix

  21. TansluSphere

  22. cocoda chair

  23. PP Hive

  24. Ultra Light Pacifier

  25. Signal Convex MIRROR of Volvo

  26. Beetle Inspired Biomimetic Charging Pile

  27. MBD ASFA Spotter

  28. Hairdryer S1

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K设计大奖是由 DESIGNSORI Co., Ltd. 主办并举办,取消了造型的简单性和复杂性,不仅通过优秀的设计实现创意的具体化,并赋予产品创造潜力真正的价值。以这样的目标为基础,期待着由设计者,公司,设计机关及设计工作室推出最佳的设计理念,构成卓越的设计形态,制作出有创意的作品。


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