



Extra Form
Country Korea
Year 2024
Affiliation CJFRESHWAY Co., Ltd.
Designer CJFRESHWAY Food Distribution Solution Team
Description(English) Gangwon Province is a place that historically and geographically symbolizes strong vitality and strength. We have developed genuine dishes based on the unique ingredients of Gangwon and provide a new experience by creating harmonious liqueur pairings. The logo expresses the characteristics of Gangwon, where mountains and seas are connected. It was developed by borrowing images of lines and curves in various applications so that customers can feel the spirit of the mountains and seas. The space was designed to indirectly convey the experience and fantasy of Gangwon by selecting materials that represent the roughness and strength of the region.
Description(Native) 대간은 강원도의 역사와 다양한 특산물을 바탕으로 메뉴와 공간을 새롭게 구성한 한식 다이닝 브랜드입니다. 대한민국의 강원도는 역사, 지리적으로 강인한 생명력과 힘을 상징하는 곳입니다. 우리는 강원도만의 특색있는 재료를 바탕으로 진솔한 요리를 개발하였으며 조화로운 리큐르 페어링을 구성하여 새로운 경험을 선사합니다. 로고는 산과 바다가 연결된 강원도의 특성을 표현하였으며 다양한 어플리케이션에 선과 곡선의 이미지를 차용하여 고객들이 산과 바다의 정기를 느낄 수 있도록 개발하였습니다. 공간은 강원도의 거침과 강인함을 나타내는 소재를 선정하여 간접적으로 강원도에 대한 경험과 판타지를 느낄 수 있도록 구성하였습니다.
Positive Comments
Judging Comments Gangwon Province's project excels in showcasing its unique vitality through genuine dishes and harmonious liqueur pairings. The logo, reflecting the region's mountains and seas, and the space design, using materials representing roughness and strength, immerse customers in Gangwon's spirit. This innovative and evocative approach earned it the Gold Winner title, celebrating its rich cultural expression and experiential design.
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  2. WOM Wartime Emergency Midwifery Kit

  3. Slight Modular exhaust colostomy pouch

  4. Knock Knock

  5. Sculptural modular energy free cooling

  6. Repairer

  7. Cleanset

  8. loading and transportation vehicle

  9. FEEL CERTAIN Thermometer

  10. G AILAB G Eye Parking Robot

  11. H abyz Gen2 Detector

  12. TinyCase

  13. CMF Sample Kit

  14. Equi CPR

  15. Field of Vision

  16. Roller

  17. Automatic cat litter box

  18. Klug Electric Kitchen Composter

  19. Butlr Anonymous Spatial Intelligence Platform

  20. Chemix

  21. TansluSphere

  22. cocoda chair

  23. PP Hive

  24. Ultra Light Pacifier

  25. Signal Convex MIRROR of Volvo

  26. Beetle Inspired Biomimetic Charging Pile

  27. MBD ASFA Spotter

  28. Hairdryer S1

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