



Extra Form
Country China
Year 2024
Affiliation XXL Studio
Description(English) Polo in China is a pictorial book that chronicles the history of polo. This book divides the content into two parts: ancient and modern, utilizing both classical and modern layout styles. This enhances its expressiveness while better showcasing the different characteristics of cultural relics and historical photographs. The black divider pages utilize a timeline to connect the ancient and modern sections, paired with the display of paintings and calligraphy works, adding to the collectible value of the book. Through three different perspectives in three sections, it presents readers with a more comprehensive view of its artistic features.
Description(Native) 《中国马球》是一本讲述马球历史的图录。本书将古、今两部分内容一分为二,使用古典与现代两种排版方式,增强表现力的同时,也更好展示文物图片与历史照片的不同特性。黑色间隔页使用一条时间轴将古、今两部分内容串联,配合书画作品的展示,使本书更具收藏价值。通过三个部分的三种视角,为读者展现更全面的艺术特点。 除此之外,本书在工艺方面也做出诸多尝试。书口的切角突出时间线索,让内容联结的更紧密。没有凹槽的精装工艺配合灵活的书脊,让厚重的书本精巧有致、翻阅自如。随着页面翻动,书脊形态不断地上下起伏变化,配合内文的节奏韵律,提供读者更具动态的阅读体验。 在平衡古典与现代美的同时,本书力图表现马球运动的行云流水和精妙优雅,让读者在阅读过程中充分感受这项运动的魅力。
Website www.xxlstudio.design
Positive Comments
Judging Comments "Polo in China" excels by blending classical and modern layouts to chronicle polo's history. Its dual-section design, timeline dividers, and inclusion of paintings and calligraphy enhance its expressiveness and collectible value. The comprehensive, multi-perspective approach offers a rich, artistic exploration, earning it the Grand Prize.
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  2. WOM Wartime Emergency Midwifery Kit

  3. Slight Modular exhaust colostomy pouch

  4. Knock Knock

  5. Sculptural modular energy free cooling

  6. Repairer

  7. Cleanset

  8. loading and transportation vehicle

  9. FEEL CERTAIN Thermometer

  10. G AILAB G Eye Parking Robot

  11. H abyz Gen2 Detector

  12. TinyCase

  13. CMF Sample Kit

  14. Equi CPR

  15. Field of Vision

  16. Roller

  17. Automatic cat litter box

  18. Klug Electric Kitchen Composter

  19. Butlr Anonymous Spatial Intelligence Platform

  20. Chemix

  21. TansluSphere

  22. cocoda chair

  23. PP Hive

  24. Ultra Light Pacifier

  25. Signal Convex MIRROR of Volvo

  26. Beetle Inspired Biomimetic Charging Pile

  27. MBD ASFA Spotter

  28. Hairdryer S1

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