Country | China |
Year | 2018 |
Award | WINNER |
Affiliation | GPT+ Design |
Designer | Simon Fong |
Description(English) | Old building renovation to long-rent apartment has been a shine rising industry in the recent years. The designers reinterpreted the building aesthetics based on its characteristics and context by employing a cost effective way. The building facade kept its basic structure to emphasis originality and simplicity. The vocabulary of white and timber were given a warm perception to the entrance lobby. Thus, the entrance lobby has become a relaxing cafe in the daytime while being an ideal place to go for young at night. |
Description(Native) | 老旧建筑改造为国际青年聚集的长租公寓,这是上海近两年新兴的一个产业。建筑师努力的去发掘原有建筑的特点和美感,并且运用廉价的材料去塑造有趣空间。整个建筑的立面是利用了原建筑的构件,去繁求简,用白色与木质,结合灯光构建了一个温馨的入口。项目的门厅同时白天也是一个咖啡吧,晚上则化身为年轻人集聚的小酒吧,由于建筑立面只能开有限的门窗洞,仅有的窗则结合了饮料外卖的功能。门厅/酒吧风格是希望构建一个“地下原创音乐酒吧”的感觉,因此设计几乎全部使用混凝土漆来呈现,大面积的灰色与温暖的灯光让整个空间非常酷,廉价的材质并没有让空间显得简陋。现在这个项目已经运营两年多,非常受到周边年轻人的喜爱。 |
The Essence
A skiff
Vast Luster
Cresta Galleria
Regular Unregular
Xi an Metro Line 5
Retro Modern
Health and Wellness Shelter
The Rising Dawn
Room With A View
Designed by / sketchbook5 board skin