



Extra Form
Country Taiwan
Year 2018
Affiliation Banty Interior Design Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Designer Chuan-Chieh Tseng
Description(English) Vertical lines and transitions of rationality are orderly distributed in the spaces. Certain functions are embedded onto each floor. Extended lines become the coordinator of the visual field and the atmosphere. Distribution of the light resembles a huge lighting fixture. Reflecting from the vertical and horizontal lines in the spaces through, the penetrating beams pass through the opening of circular screens and exhibit the artistic conception of fusion.
Description(Native) 理性垂直的線條轉折,秩序規律的分佈於空間裡,在機能與樓層空間相互串連中,沿伸的線條成為了視覺與場域氛圍的協調者,交錯重疊的編織出商業空間的個性與層次。在燈光錯落的分佈中仿如一座巨大的造型燈具,透過線條空隙間隱約的穿透感,讓佈滿垂直與水平的線條空間經過圓型的屏風開口呈現出陰陽融合的意境,企圖營造空間幾何立體多維效果,就像米其林三星的美食般在視覺與味覺中講究出最高層次的領域。
Website www.bingo-design.com
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  1. The Essence

  2. A skiff

  3. Vast Luster


  5. Cresta Galleria

  6. Regular Unregular

  7. Engild

  8. Xi an Metro Line 5

  9. Retro Modern

  10. Health and Wellness Shelter

  11. The Rising Dawn

  12. Room With A View

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