

Extra Form
Country Taiwan
Year 2019
Affiliation Dial Interior Design Co., Ltd.
Designer Shiho
Description(English) The warmth of the wooden houses is telling the stories of peaceful old days. We wonders whether the beauty of it could be experienced once more in the R.C. residence. Accordingly, these wishes mentioned above have become the spatial focus of the designer's innovative breakthrough this time. Reapply such traditional natural materials as paper, grass, logs, in addition with powerful software colors and art display, we tend to evoke the "natural materials", as well as to awaken the awareness of design methods of eco-friendly. The future of our beloved earth is in our hands, we should rethink the design approach.
Description(Native) 念舊的業主,敘述著他小時候曾造訪家族長輩時,居住在日本宿舍的記憶,說他覺得在榻榻米上的安心感,是現代硬地板材質所無法取代的。 木造房子的溫度,著實訴說著歲月靜好,而台灣現實生活中的RC電梯集合住宅,因大量公設比而略顯侷促的三房兩廳,有無機會也能感受那些曾經的美好呢?於是這些Needs,就成為設計者這次必須創新突破的重點。 首先我們讓空間不夠優渥的客廳與小房間,透過傳統日本和室拉門的軟隔間方式,讓它們時而是「客廳」、「單人房」,時而是廳+房的「大起居室」,更可以透過拉門位置的遮掩變換,而成為一大間可留宿的大通鋪,強化了功能,也重現了業主兒時的記憶畫面。 客廳窗外的風景,實在不太能夠成為視覺的加分項目,我們索性放棄了「景」,而全力經營自我內部的舒適度,也讓近日過度被強調的無印良品日式文青意象,透過了更符合本地的軟裝及藝術陳列,企圖深化、改寫和風印象。除此之外,重新啟用屬於傳統的自然素材,如紙、草、泥土、原木等,也是想喚起那段「自然素材」的曾經,藉以喚醒近年來ㄧ昧追求著人造新材質,卻因此破壞了生態環境的建築裝修業者⋯,能決定未來人類生存環境的我們,是否也該重新思考「友善地球」的設計方法呢?!
Website www.dialdesign.net
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  1. The Essence

  2. A skiff

  3. Vast Luster


  5. Cresta Galleria

  6. Regular Unregular

  7. Engild

  8. Xi an Metro Line 5

  9. Retro Modern

  10. Health and Wellness Shelter

  11. The Rising Dawn

  12. Room With A View

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