

Extra Form
Country Taiwan
Year 2019
Client NO 216
Affiliation Studio One
Designer Tzu-Jou Chou
Description(English) Applying cubical module system and movable shelving system to stack the contour of the space and create visual rhyme. Two forms could be shown in the space, one with cubes that were stacked on regularity that provides maximum display platforms and shows product diversities, the other form were stacked by using landscape-inspired approach to emphasize on certain product or collection. The existing concrete columns and beams embodied roughness from urban landscape that creates texture contrast between handmade-leather products and its surrounding, aiming to enhance the concept of sophistication that were sculptured and molded from roughness.
Description(Native) 此案中研一探索商業空間展示的可塑性,一方面活化空間,達到有效且富彈性的空間利用,同時以俐落的幾何線條與單色調強化品牌的洗鍊形象,並為業主創造最大的品牌識別度並契合其核心理念。在設計概念操作上,導入地景式的陳列概念作為空間設計的主軸,以純粹的模組量體堆疊與延展空間的輪廓與層次。在空間的界定上,以原有基地的結構樑柱做為空間的區域劃分,並分為前、中、後區,並以不同的地坪材質及色系,區隔核心展示區及左右區,同時以淺灰色系地磚做出動線分流的指示。 設計操作面上以模組化的方塊量體與可拆卸移動的層板雕塑出空間的型體並創造視覺律動感。空間面貌可因應不同需求做兩種切換,第一種形式為銷售面考量,意指以規律性的模組堆疊創造出最多的平台供商品展示並彰顯品牌多樣性。第二種以品牌概念為出發點,將模組量體以都市地景式或佈景式的方式,做出高度與量體更俱差異化的展示,並凸顯特定商品的概念與識別屬性。模組化道具如立方體與訂製洞洞板層板皆可針對不同系列的展示需求,靈活調整為水平或垂直式堆疊;不同色系之立方體,也可應促販需求,強化並凸顯商品。基地中既有的水泥樑柱的保留與沿用,與品牌著重細膩皮革處理形成鮮明材質對比,藉由視覺上的感知觸發,進一步凸顯全手工真皮製作之品牌特色,進而強化由粗獷而生的精緻洗鍊品牌形象。
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  7. Engild

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  9. Retro Modern

  10. Health and Wellness Shelter

  11. The Rising Dawn

  12. Room With A View

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