


Birds Nest

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Country China
Year 2019
Client Gemdale
Affiliation Kris Lin International Design
Designer Kris Lin
Description(English) With application of elements like bridge, flowing water, lotus, plum tree and bird’s nest on the tree, we form interior landscape to present our respect and inheritance for natural landscape. VIP room is a rather individual space which needs to be integrated into the overall space. We apply the concept of bird’s nest to harmonize the overall space. First,3D model is used to establish the basic modelling of bird’s nest. Then stainless steel is used to be made into different curving lines to form a stable structure to complete the concept of bird’s nest.
Description(Native) 项目是一个茶会所,位置紧邻西安曲江遗址公园,依托周边丰富的旅游文化资源和人文传统,恢复性再造曲江南湖、曲江流饮、汉武泉、宜春苑、凤凰池等历史文化景观,再现曲江地区“青林重复,绿水弥漫”的山水人文格局,构建集生态环境重建、观光休闲娱乐、现代商务会展等功能为一体的综合性城市生态和娱乐休闲区。所以我们将“东方园林”的概念植入设计,运用自然景观的设计元素,将室外的园林景观融入室内设计。 VIP室是个相对独立的空间,但是需要与整体空间相对融合,所以运用了鸟巢的概念围合了这个空间,首先运用了3D模型做了鸟巢的基础建模,再使用金属不锈钢的材质,做成每一根都不同的曲线,使其形成稳固的结构来完成这个“鸟巢”的概念。 设计师提高了地板并安装了通风,电力和光流等水处理系统。 在室内空间建立水景本身是一项挑战。
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