The Piggy Bank can sorts coins by denomination. It use a simple physical structure to achieve the classification function without changing people's inherent habits. transparent cover allows people to observe this process. The combination of triangles and circles gives the product a geometric feel, and the low-density Morandi color with the bright color of the bracket gives it a detailed impact while blending into any home environment. Make the piggy bank an ornament while satisfying the function.
The Piggy Bank 是一个能根据面额分类硬币的存钱罐。利用简单的物理结构在不改变人们固有的使用习惯下实现了分类的功能,同时透明的盖板让人能够观察到这一过程。三角形与圆形的构成使产品具有几何感,中心对称式的造型、中间的竖直隔板与硬币分类的功能相呼应,能使其在储存大量的硬币后仍然保持秩序感与美感。低明度的莫兰迪色系配以支架的明亮色使其具有细节冲击力的同时又能融入任何的家居环境,可细观而不过分突出。The Piggy Bank 这一设计使得人们不必再为从中取钱时还需将硬币按面额分开的烦恼,使用起来更加便捷。此来打破人们对存钱罐的固有认知,重新定义日常的物品,满足功能的同时也能作为一个环境装饰品。