MILKY WAY is a high-end wedding store that aims to be dreamy, inclusive and creative. The interior design is inspired by the hem and fishtail of the wedding dresses, this inspiration is also imbedded in the flowy doubled-layered light belt that goes around the celling of the entire property. To bring in some ocean elements, the customized-made light is in shape of abstract fish. The usage of white and gold combined with the arched lines and the hidden light belt presents the overwhelming sense of futurism and also a relaxing vibe. The main hall is designed to be bright and smooth; there is a humanitarian touch by adding a sunken lounge.
MILKY WAY 坐落于美丽而浪漫的滨海城市海口滨江海岸三期,比邻海边。由Ly设计事务所从建筑外立面改造、到室内及后期配饰整体打造。业主是一位充满理想而天真浪漫的90后女孩子,希望来的定制礼服客人像它的店名一样充满浪漫与高贵!设计灵感来源于婚纱本身的裙摆及鱼尾。 整个空间以白色和金色为主,加入了很强形式感,墙身则运用了婚纱褶边幅度大的纱裙鱼尾造型。