“The Growth Curve” fashion collection carries out innovative experiments on the clothing structure according to the principle of mechanics. The combination of fishbone material and elastic fabric makes the garment structure present a 3D structure like "soft sculpture" ,light and breathable. At the same time, the clothing structure has the function of expansion and deformation, which can provide a variety of wearing methods for the wearer. The waste fabric produced in the process of clothing production is less, which is conducive to promoting the environmental protection and energy saving of the clothing industry.
“The Growth Curve”服装设计系列作品灵感来源于富有未来科技感的3D造型结构,富有韵律感的变化让人着迷。本作品根据力学原理对服装结构进行创新实验,以鱼骨作为支撑框架,弹性面料用来包裹表面,“软硬兼施”塑造出整体有机形态。将二维平面图案转换为三维立体空间结构,使服装呈现出如同“软雕塑”般迷人的3D立体结构,轻盈而透气,具有极高的审美价值。服装结构似人体工学的延伸设计,灵活的多变造型赋予服装更多的可能性,流动变化的形态视觉效果强烈,给人带来感官上的刺激。通过抽象化、概念化的探索完成对服装廓形与结构的夸张、再创造。该系列服装结构具有伸缩、变型的功能,能够为穿着者提供多种穿法,从而实现“一衣多穿”。服装结构的自由变化可以同时涉及穿着者的情感,感官与韵律,在自由想象之下可以表现出无尽的变化。同时,该服装制作方法与普通裁片式制作方法相比,制作过程中所产生的废弃面料少,有利于促进服装行业的环保节能。