Xiaojing Su, Dan Zhao, Hongfeng Wang, Xinru Feng, Zhangchun Zhu
Inno Matrix 600 corporate campus is a creative office park located in the southwest of Shanghai, China. The design theme of IM600 Campus is "Engaged with the Color Magic Cube". All the buildings in the campus are built and assembled by containers. Building F is located in the north of IM600 Campus.
Exterior color of Building F is taken from the painting of " A Sunday Afternoon on the Ile de la Grande Jatte" by the representative painter of "Neo impressionism", George Shura. With the box as the canvas and the space as the frame, the designer pays homage to George Shura in a new way.
上海交通大学国家大学科技园“创想600”基地位于上海市闵行区剑川路600号,已于2020年建成并投入使用。基地由320个定制集装箱模块组成。“创想600”基地的设计主题是“玩转色彩魔盒”(Engaged with the Color Magic Cube),基地的定位是为年轻的创新创业者提供不同类型的办公空间,有些独立工作室还可以随着使用者需求变化而提供弹性空间。“创想600”基地内的F栋的建筑表皮配色取自“新印象主义”代表画家乔治·修拉(Georges Seurat)的作品——《大碗岛的星期天下午》(A Sunday Afternoon on the Ile de la Grande Jatte)。他的画面构图合乎几何学原理,追求平衡感和秩序感。设计师从画作中提取了蓝、紫、绿三种色系进行搭配,既宁静和谐,又明快活泼。F栋的集装箱组合形成了舒适的秩序感,(配色中)跳跃的黄绿色恰好打破了原本规矩的框架。以箱体为画布,用空间做画框,设计师用全新的创作方式向修拉致敬。