

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2023
Affiliation Department of Industrial Design Shih Chien University
Designer Chen KuanHua
Description(English) Traditional protective gear comes with a variety of shortcomings, resulting in a large percentage of skateboarders not being willing to wear protective gear. Thus, it causes many avoidable injuries. For this reason, we created a set of extreme sports protective gear designed for young skateboarders. Halcón not only improves the original problem of wearing the protective gear for a long time, but also allows users to war the protective gear without compromising the flexibility of their movements.
Description(Native) 由於傳統護具所存在的種種缺點,導致有一大部分的滑板玩家平時並不會穿戴護具,因而產生許多原本可避免的傷害,我們想靠設計改變這股風氣。於是我們打造了一組專為年輕滑板玩家所設計的極限運動護具。 Halcón最大的特色就是前方的硬殼,我們改變傳統護具上硬殼直接固定在布料上的方式,而是依照人體關節的結構來把硬殼一分為三,並且是由卡槽的形式固定在布料上,所以即使是大幅度的移動,硬殼也可以順勢調節到合適的位置,而部會讓使用者感受到不舒服的感覺。 另外我在較不常被磨損的位置上都置換成透氣布料,再加上硬殼的流線造型與打孔,這樣在滑板滑行時,就可以最大效率的將風導入到皮膚的位置,於是就可以改善原本護具久戴容易悶熱的問題。
Website www.behance.net/a597468457f0e7
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  1. The Essence

  2. A skiff

  3. Vast Luster


  5. Cresta Galleria

  6. Regular Unregular

  7. Engild

  8. Xi an Metro Line 5

  9. Retro Modern

  10. Health and Wellness Shelter

  11. The Rising Dawn

  12. Room With A View

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