Getting up and opening the curtains is the most common behavior habit in life, and after extracting and explaining this behavior, "Light behind the curtain lamp" was born. The product is designed for closed spaces without windows, hoping to open a window for such users and improve their quality of life. According to the principle of sliding rheostat, it is used as a switching operation mode of luminaires. Control the brightness by opening the curtain. Through behavioral habits and instinctive reactions, it gives users a relaxed, pleasant and interesting operation experience, and conveys light through windows.
起床拉开窗帘,是生活中最为常见的行为习惯,将这个行为提取并解释后“Light behind the curtain灯具”就诞生了。产品针对封闭空间没有窗户的场景而设计,希望为这类的用户打开一扇窗,提高他们的生活质量。帘后有的不仅仅是光,还是对生活的态度,希望用户保持对生活的热爱。人是视觉动物,产品设计越符合本能水平以及行为习惯越能让人接受和喜爱。产品从窗帘的打开方式入手,视觉上引导用户使用产品,与用户建立起情感的纽带。根据滑动变阻器的原理,作为灯具的开关操作方式。通过窗帘打开幅度的大小,来控制亮度的大小。窗帘开的越大,亮度越亮,反之则越弱。通过行为习惯以及本能反应,给予用户轻松愉悦具有趣味的操作体验,以窗传达光。