Breaking through the streamlined aesthetics of traditional fuel vehicles, the simple, smooth and futuristic design language runs through every detail of the product. The body can be customized with a sticker design to meet the needs of different users. The chassis is equipped with a special structure that adjusts the seat for different driver heights. It adopts a two-person human-computer interaction design, which is conducive to the communication and interaction between drivers, and is suitable for both parent-child play and interaction between couples.
獾跑双人卡丁车突破了传统燃油车流线型美学,将简约、流畅、具有未来感的设计语言贯穿到产品的每一处细节里。车身可客制化贴纸设计,满足不同用户需求。以适应不同地域、不同文化背景的用户。底盘配备了一个特殊的结构,可以根据不同的驾驶员身高调整座椅。獾跑双人卡丁车采用双人人机交互设计,有助于驾驶员之间的交流和互动,既适合亲子游乐也适合情侣之间的互动。在人机安全方面,不仅配置了三点式预紧安全带,还有可调节的座椅,为驾驶员提供最舒适的驾驶体验,同时确保他们的安全。这样,用户可以尽情享受驾驶乐趣,而无须担心安全问题。卡丁车采用纯电动驱动,可以避免传统卡丁车使用燃油所带来的环境污染和碳排放。一个特殊的功能是利用 5G 的力量提供实时跟踪,允许记录驾驶情况,稍后作为 AR 游戏重新访问。