

Extra Form
Country China Hong Kong
Year 2024
Affiliation Japan Noason Group Co., Ltd.
Designer Mengqing Feng
Description(English) This rice cooker is originally designed with a mildew-proof shell, which is corrosion resistant, anti-aging, no yellowing, and can be used and renewed for a long time, and has passed the Swiss SGS anti-mildew certification and Japan SIAA certification. The integrated structure of the screen and the body is adopted with the seamless design to completely eliminate the dirt accumulated in the gaps between the traditional screen and the body, and the surface is as smooth as jade porcelain, which can be easily scrubbed. The liner is coated with white ceramic glaze, and dirt can be seen easily, which is convenient for users to targeted cleaning.
Description(Native) 一般的电饭煲因不防水,不便清洁的局部容易长霉发臭,其中的黄曲霉毒素会导致人体中毒。这款电饭煲原创设计了防霉外壳,耐腐蚀,可防老化不发黄,历久弥新,并通过瑞士SGS防霉认证和日本SIAA抗菌协会认证。采用屏幕与机身一体式的结构,无缝隙设计彻底免除传统屏幕与机身之间缝隙积攒污垢,且表面如玉瓷般光滑可轻松擦洗;内胆采用白色陶瓷釉涂层,污垢无处可躲,方便用户进行针对性清洁。品质优越的PP材料,抗菌、防霉,抗细菌率可达99%,专注用户的健康。这款电饭煲的内盖与发热盘均采用不粘涂层,容易擦洗。可拆卸的分离式锅盖去除了连接轴承,仍能挂在锅体上,有助于通风晾干,避免阴湿长霉或发臭,也能浸入水中清洗,方便省心。自定义恒温设计可随时提供热腾腾的饭食,同时也最大程度保留食物的营养成分,为每一个日常加班忙碌的人带来家一般的温馨。电饭煲设有清晰易懂的LED背光数显屏,配备声音提醒与按键功能进行控制。只需在出门上班前预设烹饪时间,即可开启倒计时预约状态,让您不论何时都能享受到刚刚出锅的美味菜肴。还可长按保温键进入休眠状态,屏幕将自动关闭且无需拨出电源线,不必担心灯光影响入睡,且休眠程序比传统待机更节能环保。顺应大众口味的需求,这款电饭煲支持制作电饭煲蛋糕、甜粥、蒸蛋、懒人料理等各式美食,其智能的微电脑可控恒温加热技术在设置60度保温状态后,可使用低温慢煮真空烹调法为日式刺身、沙拉蔬菜等无法高温烹煮的料科理净化杀菌。另外,根据提供的营养食谱,只要将食材准备好放入锅中,即使是烹饪小白也能做出令人满意的菜肴。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This rice cooker features a mildew-proof shell, corrosion-resistant, anti-aging, and certified by Swiss SGS and Japan SIAA. Its seamless design integrates the screen and body, eliminating dirt accumulation. The smooth surface is easy to clean, and the liner's white ceramic glaze makes dirt visible for targeted cleaning. The judges noted its durability, hygiene, and user-friendly design, enhancing both functionality and ease of maintenance.
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