



Extra Form
Country China Hong Kong
Year 2024
Affiliation Ovviostudio Ltd.
Designer Dennis Chung
Description(English) In Hong Kong's space-conscious landscape, a living room featuring a swing is a rare sight. However, the designer ingeniously transformed this playful element into a serene oasis. Positioned near a window, on a platform, which also contains concealed storage, the swing is flanked by gracefully arched cut-out walls, which not only enhances the openness of the space but also floods it with natural light. This design marvel serves to delineate the living room from a small chill-out space while becoming a standout feature of the house.
Description(Native) 而在香港注重空間的環境中,有鞦韆的客廳是罕見的景象。然而,設計師巧妙地將此俏皮元素轉變成一片寧靜的綠洲。鞦韆位於靠近窗戶的平台上,該平台還包含隱藏的存儲空間,鞦韆的兩側是優雅的拱形鏤空牆,這不僅增強了空間的開放性,而且還讓自然光充滿其中。這個設計奇蹟將起居室從一個小型的休閒空間中劃定出來,同時成為房子的一個突出特色。 鞦韆被巧妙地定位為焦點,既增加了美學魅力,又增加了實用功能,通過精確定位確保了安全性。拱形牆壁後面是一個休閒角落 設計師利用曲線、淺色調和多樣的材料,營造出水療般的氛圍,充滿俏皮感。透過重新整理臥室和洗手間空間及充足的儲存空間被無縫接合,同時又不犧牲寬敞性。並透過巧妙利用平台和寬大的櫥櫃,滿足每個家庭成員的儲存需求,形成和諧的居住環境。 以顏色方面用上淺色和柔和作色彩基礎,輔以溫暖的木質色調、黑色元素和柔和的色彩,為整體設計增添了不同的層次感。開放式廚房位於最遠的角落,以深綠色的色調與客廳隔開。深綠色的餐椅與柔和的湖水綠椅子並列,以及混合水磨石廚房中島逐漸將廚房的深色調淡出到客廳的淺色調。 當您進入時,水磨石中島櫃會迎接您,它是一個迷人的中心裝飾品,為家中定下了主要基調。深色和淺色有助於客廳和廚房之間的連續性。 中島櫃是深色廚房和淺色大廳之間的完美橋樑及空間的色彩完美交替,營造出一個具有聚集力和舒適視覺感的環境。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments In Hong Kong's space-conscious landscape, incorporating a swing in the living room is rare. The designer ingeniously transformed this playful element into a serene oasis. Positioned near a window on a platform with concealed storage, the swing is flanked by arched cut-out walls, enhancing openness and natural light. This design marvel delineates the living room from a chill-out space, becoming a standout feature. The judges noted the innovative use of space and the creation of a unique, light-filled environment.
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