

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation True North design Ltd.
Description(English) The very first visual focus is the woodwork pitched roof above the kitchen. This design concept manages a cosmetic interior finish that covers the ugly fixed essential appliances such as the air conditioner (AC) maintenance bore and the too lowly elevated tubing of the energy recovery ventilation (ERV). The ugly interior fixtures are wrapped by the pitched roof, which not only hides the maintenance bore perfectly with a woodwork configuration but also brings the indirect lighting to the house for functionalities skillfully.
Description(Native) 入門第一視覺焦點,即坐落於廚房上方的木造斜屋頂,此設計主要巧思是為了配合屋子本身的冷氣維修孔與全熱交換器管路位置過低等條件,以傾斜的天花設計包裹住不美觀的物件,不僅透過木作配置來巧妙隱藏維修孔,也置入間接照明兼顧實用性能。用設計包容不完美,隨形而變,成就侘寂之美。 足量的收納空間,使客廳可以實現極度簡化,保有手感的泥灰漆面從電視背牆一路延伸至天花板,灰色大面積的留白,將目光凝聚在後方書房,以木頭格柵及高櫃劃出場域性,運用穿透的設計維持視線自由,左右兩旁的開放式出入口,使整體空間更具通透性。 刻意空出從客廳到書房的窗前區域,當陽光透過格柵進入室內時,它帶來的溫暖光線為空間增添了自然光輝,同時,實木格柵的設計營造出獨特的視覺效果,使室內空間更具藝術和品味。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The design's initial visual focus is the woodwork pitched roof above the kitchen. It skillfully conceals unattractive fixtures like the AC maintenance bore and ERV tubing, while introducing indirect lighting. This concept harmoniously blends functionality and aesthetics.
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