

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation Cooler Master Technology Inc.
Designer Mike Lee
Description(English) This innovative Throne X seamlessly integrates an amplifier, multimedia system, and power system, ensuring easy installation without complex configurations. Our design process started with thorough research and collaboration with musicians to prioritize performance in setup. During the engineering phase, our team expertly integrated components into a unified system, simplifying user experience for effortless connection and synchronization. Our aim is to provide a product that meets musicians' practical needs and aesthetic preferences, reflecting our commitment to enhancing user experience through innovative design and seamless integration.
Description(Native) 這款創新的 Throne X 將擴大機、多媒體系統和電源系統無縫集成,確保輕鬆安裝,無需複雜的配置。我們的設計過程始於與音樂家的深入研究和合作,以優先考慮設定中的表現。 在工程階段,我們的團隊熟練地將組件整合到統一系統中,簡化了使用者體驗,實現輕鬆連接和同步。 我們的目標是提供一款滿足音樂家實際需求和美學偏好的產品,體現我們透過創新設計和無縫整合來增強用戶體驗的承諾。音樂家需要一體化設計,將擴大機、多媒體系統和電源系統無縫地組合成一個單一的、有凝聚力的單元。這種整合設計應促進簡單、無麻煩的安裝過程,消除了複雜配置和多個單獨組件的需要。透過簡化設置過程,音樂家可以更專注於他們的表演,而不是技術設置,從而確保更有效率和用戶友好的體驗。
Website www.coolermaster.com/en-global/products/throne-x
Positive Comments
Judging Comments Throne X excels by integrating an amplifier, multimedia system, and power system for easy installation without complex configurations. Thorough research and collaboration with musicians ensure that performance is prioritized. This innovative design, reflecting both practical needs and aesthetic preferences, earned it the Winner title for enhancing user experience through seamless integration.
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  1. Forest


  3. Moonlight at night

  4. Feast of Natural

  5. POCN Portuguese Chinese Fusion Restaurant

  6. Deconstructing Shadows with Light and Color

  7. Cat Daily

  8. Hangzhou KAI Innovation Office Complex

  9. Moonlit Vista

  10. A House of Taking Time Off

  11. Beneath the Sun and Moon

  12. Mountain Impression

  13. Dancing Ribbon

  14. Champion Wine Cave

  15. Lounge Heeum

  16. The Memory of Dream

  17. The Bloomsway Hong Kong

  18. Cafe Mersey

  19. Yorokonde

  20. Light with color

  21. Clean Slate

  22. Mist Cloaked Cave Residence

  23. Lift Off and Fly Higher

  24. Impulse

  25. Zen breeze in treehouse

  26. Origin NO1

  27. IDTECH

  28. Streamlight Residence

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