


Effcient Needle

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Country CHINA
Year 2016
Affiliation Dalian nationalities university
Designer Zhou You, Ma Mingyue, Zhang Lei, Tang Hongxu, Li Chui
Description(English) As we all know, when we are given fluids, nurses need use a medical swab with alcohol to disinfect our hands, then open the intravenous infusion needle packing and take a drip. "Effcient Needle" is a design which can simplify steps and save time. Combining packaging of syringe needle with medical swab, we design this product. It not only saves first aid time, but also improves the efficiency of treatment, especially rescue in the affected areas and outdoors. It is a good helper for doctors.
Description(Native) 众所周知,当护士为我们输液时,他们会先蘸有酒精的医用棉棒为我们的手消毒,然后再拆开静脉输液针的包装为我们输液。“Effcient Needle”是将以上步骤简化从而节省时间的一款设计。针头上的包装与医用棉棒合二为一。这样既节省了急救的时间,又能提高医治效率,尤其是在灾区救护和户外救护的时候。它真是医生的好助手!
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  1. AEGIS

  2. VTDI

  3. elago W Charging Stand

  4. Natural Dehumidifier


  6. Funnel scoop

  7. [F-MONITOR] _Multi-display system

  8. Wind-ow

  9. Magical induction cookers

  10. SCRATCH Carrier

  11. Compact Styler

  12. Mobi-Q

  13. Hanging type fire extinguishing spray for home

  14. Glass Of Light

  15. Hurry Up

  16. Folding Spinning

  17. Moonlight bracelet

  18. Aqua Foam

  19. Effcient Needle

  20. ATTOCUBE, The Smart Toy

  21. Pregnant Women Shower

  22. Wide Viewing Angle Goggle S-509P

  23. Life-saving Whistle

  24. Baby-Magicar

  25. Easy Walking

  26. Useful Edge

  27. Safety Bus

  28. Graphic Marker

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