Year | 2016 |
Award | WINNER |
Affiliation | Sidstory |
Designer | Sen Huang |
Description(English) | A laid back workspace is like wandering oneself in mother of nature as the feeling is calm, pace is at ease.Together, lighting, desks, ceiling and carpet marks the journey of a day. Let the light sink into our workspace, taking away all the tense around us. Ceiling grille are shaped like the cloud in the sky. We are surrounded by such fascination. Come! Come and join us! Together the 4 elements wove a pleasant moment, created joyful working time. Follow the path of ceiling grille, the core design concept is discovered as the elements are corresponded with each other. Such eased atmosphere pulled each other closer than ever. This is where our goals are gathered as we are united as one to exceed excellence. |
Description(Native) | 愜意的工作氣氛好比置身戶外「走走」的心情,燈光、桌子、天花、地毯共同記錄了一日的旅程。桌面相連成並肩努力的工作島嶼,光影舞動著,舒緩了環境的工作壓力,天花板一路延伸勾勒出夢想的雲朵,悠遊圍繞著工作島嶼帶著大夥的夢想前進。來這走走吧! 四個元素編織成有趣的畫面,一同在空間裡玩耍著,營造愉悅的工作時光。沿著夢想的路徑,發現有趣的線條相互交疊成新的思路。輕鬆自在的氛圍 拉近了夥伴們彼此之間的距離。這是我們的島,夢想聚集的島,從這裡出發,一起走走去看世界。 |
Common Ground
Hokkaido Dairy Farm Restaurant
adidas Superstar l Hall of Fame
AlpenRoute Village
Space 展開
Residence of Hsieh
Contemporary Minimalism
BELLO Restaurant
KAWAII preparatory school
Office of Danny Chiu Interior Designs Limited
Zen Industry
UM Junior
Synapse 突觸
La Station Cafe
Life style sunshine residents
Villa Monte Rosa
The Vineyard
Extend . Extending
Cabinet's Kitchen
Designed by / sketchbook5 board skin