Year | 2016 |
Award | WINNER |
Affiliation | Max Lam Designs |
Designer | Max Lam, Elsie Wong |
Description(English) | Located at the Peak, the duplex apartment feels far removed from the hectic urban space. An organic design, encourages a sense of connection to nature, bringing outdoors in by making the most of the natural light and maximizing the view become the fundamental part of the design. Spacious living room and kitchen connects the indoor and outdoor world. Besides capturing the greenery and turning the scene into a room height master piece of the nature when it is closed, the glass accordion door has also added continuity and fluidity to the space when it is fully opened. The principle of sustainability, contemporary and minimalism design is applied.To match the needs of the owner’s family, designer pays special attention to spatial planning. The upper floor is designated for sleeping and the lower one for living and dining. Simple and elegant furnishing provides a perfect match to the simple structure with clean black horizontal and straight lines. The interior walls are mostly white. Based on the minimal design theme, designer has made use of black, white and grey as basic colour tones, and introduced a great variety of lighting effects. All of these techniques contributed to the cozy and comfort ambience, at the same time, reflecting the owner’s fine taste. Instead of erected walls, designer focuses on flexibility. To achieve this end, functional partition is usedfor increasing the diversity of the space.On the ground floor, sliding doors serve the function of separating living room and multi-function room when necessary. Similar technique is applied on the upper floor. As for the study, the use of glass sliding doors facilitate the interaction of space. |
Description(Native) | 位處山頂的複式獨立屋,遠離繁囂,如何把清幽的自然環境引入室內,使居所內外達致有機連繫,是本案的設計關鍵所在。毗連戶外空間的客廳及廚房,寬敞開揚,當玻璃摺門完全打開,裡外連貫;縱使關上門扉,亦能映入室外翠綠景致,汲納大量日光,讓光影流通。 一室融入可持續發展概念,以簡約、現代的設計,輔以變化多端之照明效果,塑造舒適愜意的生活空間。設計師重塑格局,上下兩層功能區域劃分清晰:書房及睡房等作息場所撥歸上層,而客廳、飯廳、廚房及活動廳則位處下層。大廳採取中性色調的配置,在素白背景加添黑色線條。具體處理手法是不刻意利用假天花掩飾梁柱結構,而於走道之天花黑色框內裝筒燈,並分別向半開放式廚房及大廳方向伸延,呈現獨特建築美學。 整體布局著重靈活彈性,多個功能區域皆作活動間隔的編排──空間偌大的客廳,可隨時以灰玻璃摺門,另闢活動廳;位於上層的書房,採用玻璃趟門作間隔,形成半開放式格局,輕易調度空間。 |
Website | |
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