

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2021
Affiliation Uniplus Design Center
Designer Shih Chieh Tang
Description(English) Exploit the white tone as the basic scheme of the whole site, and widely make use of the glass, which not only creates the concise and well-lit circumstance, moreover, by means of the pure feature perfectly sets off the layering setting of the space. The large-scale glass wall as the partition, in addition to weaken the dividing lines of the space via the penetrating vision, and the "glossy reflection" and "mirror overlapping" effect of the material also add varied changes of the open-floor plan.
Description(Native) 雙層辦公室的天花板,只局部遮擋過於雜亂的設備與線路,其餘皆以大面積裸露的鋼承板、水泥面和管線,作為現代風格中質樸的裝飾元素,展現建築原始構造的美感。 場域整體基調為白色,並大量使用玻璃為建材,不僅營造出潔淨明亮的環境,簡單的材質表現,更完美襯托空間佈局的疊加與層次;作為隔間的大面積玻璃牆,除了以穿透感軟化區域界線外,其材質的「光澤反照」及「映像疊影」效果,也為通透的畫面,添加更多視覺變化。 以營造開放視感為目標,一樓使用不鏽鋼框架,嵌入玻璃面作通透隔屏,模糊各區間的分隔;二樓則為確保主管辦公室的獨立性,採落地玻璃隔牆,完整明確的圍圈起區域。兩層樓皆以「簡約」、「自由」為理念基底,維繫設計風格的連貫性,同時各自調整、延伸出符合區域用途的機能巧思。 除大量使用玻璃隔屏外,會議室旁的紅布簾,可自由調整區域隱蔽程度,呈現不同型態的虛實界線劃分;亮眼的鮮紅色與櫃檯主牆的鏽鐵色,以同色系卻一明一暗的視感相互對比呼應,布料的柔軟質感穿插於石板磚、不鏽鋼等冷硬建材間,達到軟化、修飾空間稜角的效果。
Positive Comments
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  1. Uniplus design center

  2. A Stunning Manor

  3. Imperishable Estate

  4. Magnum Opus

  5. Hills

  6. The Essence of Aesthetics

  7. The Japanese Style Industrial City

  8. A Retreatful Ryokan Home

  9. Jiangshanghui(江上荟)

  10. THD2.0

  11. Hang Seng Bank flagship branch

  12. Taiheiyo Club KARUIZAWA RESORT

  13. Utubo Garden Clinic

  14. Achromatic

  15. Bathed in sunshine

  16. Jabra HQ Hong Kong

  17. Retro/Modern

  18. Light Box

  19. Oh ! 1796

  20. Blooming House

  21. The Blossom Clinic

  22. Aperture

  23. The Sea Refuses No River 海納百川

  24. The timeless trajectory

  25. Multifunctional mixer


  27. Fluid and form


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