

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2021
Affiliation 10 POINTS Interior Design
Designer Wu Feng ya
Description(English) Exploit the compound approaches to configure the space, meanwhile, presenting the classy and trendy charm through the lines and unique colors, artfully integrate the rural style. Adopt gray, blue, and green tinges as the basic color scheme to achieve the homeowner's expectation of a soothing ambiance. Furthermore, exploit the finished terrazzo of a mixture of green, orange, and yellow tinges naturally emit the low-key and serene atmosphere, besides enriching the color gradation of low Chroma, while creating a transparent and lively vibe via the refined visual effect.
Description(Native) 客廳處,因之女主人的喜好,塑造電視牆為壁爐造型,並運用水磨石,創造有別於冷調大理石的浪漫童趣,增添女性住宅的活潑甜美氣質,且在收納之效外,製造對稱、平衡的視覺舒適感;一旁廊道盡頭通往客衛處的端景,綻放黑底花葉圖樣的亮面彩妝板門片,期盼在抵達書房前,賦予沉澱、洗滌紛擾心靈的作用。作為入屋景象,餐廳天花板下的造型燈具首先吸引目光焦點,加上立面掛畫,表現空間張力之餘,也展演美術館格調,而側邊的木作線板儲藏間,更添加場域的藝術氣息。一旁通往廚房的拉門,選擇清透的格狀形式,簡單線條加深鄉村風,兼顧業主對於開放式廚房的嚮往,亦避免油煙逸散至外部。女屋主偏愛美式風格的廚具,因此廚房在實用機能的考量之上,採用實木鄉村風門板,飾以線條,同時選用灰綠松石色,協調整體色彩搭配。湛藍色背板的玻璃淡色實木櫃體,與深色實木桌面搭配白色桌腳,顯現書房沉而不膩的色彩配置,房中軟裝連結女主人愛好的歐洲老物情調,除桌體外,亦選擇樣式古典的檯燈,結合窗邊臥榻,展現此處休閒與沉思辦公的多重功用。為避免同色調造成視覺疲乏,主臥在女主人喜愛的紫色調外,搭佐灰藍色系與粉色做協調;配合入睡前的閱讀習慣,床頭中央層架設置燈源,兩側為大型收納處,可容納行李箱、換季衣物與寢具等物品。破除更衣間予人的凌亂感,封閉的門片創造收納和乾淨視覺,引出素淨的尊榮感,木紋質地的系統門片加之古典金屬把手,再次帶出簡約鄉村風,亦滿足視、觸二感的體驗。
Website www.10points-design.com
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