



Extra Form
Country China
Year 2022
Affiliation Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
Designer Shu Xin
Description(English) This is an atmosphere lamp design designed to explore the relationship between lamps and people. The product is composed of Eco-friendly fur, light strips and cotton. The furry fur wrapped on the outside can immediately arouse people's urge to touch it. The soft light strip inside can be bent into different shapes according to the needs of the user, so that it can also give the user a warm companion while illuminating. The light passes through the gaps in the fur, and it seems to flow into an animal backbone, containing vitality.
Description(Native) 这是一款旨在探索灯具与人关系的氛围灯设计,外表由环保皮草缝制而成,内部由灯条和棉花构成。在使用时,用户可以根据自己的需要,将灯具弯曲成不同的造型,可以将它搭身上,枕在头下,甚至抱在怀里抚摸它。即使在不使用的时候,将它随意的摆放在沙发上,它也会像一个长着长毛的小生命一样窝在你的沙发上。 该氛围灯长1500毫米,宽250毫米。内部柔软的灯条和棉花被毛茸茸的皮草包裹着,毛绒皮草与棉花搭配的相得益彰,使它的造型更加的饱满,使人和它亲密接触的时候更合乎情理。 外部包裹的毛茸皮草能立即唤起人们想要触碰它的冲动。整个灯具非常柔软能根据使用者的需求弯曲成不同的形状,使他在照明的同时还能给予使用者温暖的陪伴或是一丝丝慰藉。光穿过皮草缝隙,好似流动成了动物脊梁,蕴含着生命力。
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